
School's Stories and Insights
Izdihar Gauri, Alumni

I had the incredible opportunity to explore Cendekia Leadership School and it was an amazing experience! They emphasize group projects, teamwork, and problem-solving and it really helped me survive the dreadfulness of highschool. The teachers are really nice and supportive. They put more emphasis on creativity to their events(especially independence day) such as a dedicated […]

Khesie brilliant, Alumni

Despite only attending this school for a year during my 9th grade of junior high school, it has had a profound impact on my personal growth and development. within such a short span of time, i have been able to cultivate and enhance my leadership skills, engage in fruitful group discussions, and overcome my previous […]

Nafis, Alumni

Dari keseluruhan kurang lebih 11 tahun bersekolah disini, CLS adalah sekolah yang sangat luar biasa. Dari guru-gurunya yang seru, pengajaran nilai leadership yang sangat kuat, banyaknya program yang membuat siswanya mengimprove dirinya di banyak bidang seperti di teamwork, creativity, empathy, dll. Yang terakhir selama saya bersekolah disini tidak pernah merasakan tekanan dari siapapun dan selalu […]